K e l l y C l a r e —


Three leftover shallots. Little finite mirror

article              like                 flint     

alongside the chilled false peppers. A mirror folds

surface            tasted              index  

every sweater into the impossible aisles, every

wards              wheeling          picked

lean-to dairy-hand and lettuce head. Free, mirror

index               arrive               upper

samples abound. They reverse. Cardboard butters

corner              pat                   fruited

and tiny yoghurt locations. Duplicate red foil, silver 

whirr               swerve            square

foil, blue foil, white opaque lettered. Mirror foil

box                  bean                boxed

with a gold cow. Aluminum foil flashing away

melted             safe                 answer

the underneath safely. A foil corvid and

like                  winter              like

spoon-able and without soil. A mirror without

utensil             rake                 reverse

udder and without the mine. Foil comes

hewing            positive            ion

from dredging up revision. Mirror’s just pressure

positive            how                alike

without ferment. A metal mine sealing off

impression      made               mixture

one hum of micro from the teeming

field                 flimsy               glass

others. An alcohol wiped mirror. Set in the sink.

start                 faucet              rotor

Dawny washed. Revision: the misters

mine                mine                mine

static the air. Wet the skin and shine.



A window over,

the tulip mitten


threaded with

emails. Each

thing thwack

-ing the digital

crystals. Display

shift. Purl

to knit. Click to

hot gay witch

now covered

in near death

makeup. Click

to hot gay witch

on illegal streaming

platform. Green

screen the longing

into view. Playback

the resurrection

of an order. End

of an age, buffer.




Here, we are

turning the whole

thing inside out!

A cat not just

in the bag but

on top of it!

Her name is

Ramona and she

hates poetry!



Trying to make the concrete float!

Trying to undo the calendar year!

A modular crumble sits in the dish!

Time blocks and blocks and becomes

the application fence, the cable quilt!

Pulling the copper over the light!

Open the cast app! Where is your

time block! Every cable installs itself!

Every cable becomes a wooly hat!

The hat whispers community fission!

The hat measures only the bandwidth!

To co-chair the task force! To petition

the calendar for a better process!

Participatory fence decisions!

Continuous fiberoptic burrowing! 

We are bamboozled by a fire wall

of expertly patterned daily networks!

Clearly the perspective is a wall alone. 

Clearly this time blocks itself along.



a poem play originally broadcast as a part of “People Speaking Art” on KRUI in Iowa City


one: what counts as a surface

two: a surface?

one: like an inner lining. a soft suede? the air, for example

two: the air is never exemplary

one: no, no, a surface is like a dog

two: is the dog in a backyard?

one: yes, and let’s say the dog is name nancy

two: nancy is a surface

one: yes, as surfaced as a grocery, as surfaced as a sofa

two: nancy the sofa

one: nancy the surfaced

two: like she is swimming?

one: like she can carry the whole every

two: if she licks me face, am I also a surface?

one: everything is already a surface, even if it doesn’t know it

two: my large incredible headphones are surfaces?

one: yes

two: the daily crossword?

one: the crossword is ON-LINE, though the screen is a surface

two: so the words, floating in little squares, are not surfaces

one: the word refuses to be a surface, though it sometimes masquerades

two: but if the screen is in a room and Nancy the surface licks the screen—

one: yes, yes

two: tell me more about this ON-LINE

one: it is not a rope, it is made of light, it is the thing behind the screen behind the light of the screen behind the metals if you pry the screen open like a box.

two: uh-huh

one: it is a shapeless but viewed through a rectangle

two: why the rectangle

one: nancy had swallowed the circle cap we had meant to employ

two: the circle was chewed into a thrown-up shape

one: yeah, it was pretty bad

two: the plastic gatorade cap was a surface to nancy, I don’t blame her

one: in the backyard, the lines above our heads were indications of the ON-LINE

two: in the backyard, we lit a fire below the lines to confuse the surfaces

one: you mean gnats

two: I mean aphids

one: you mean beetles

two: no, I mean the white flies eating our tomatoes

one: what I love about the ON-LINE is that no wasps die in our apple-cider vinegar traps

two: apple-cider vinegar is a surface

one: yes

two: so the ON-LINE comes to us through surfaces, through light

one: it is a collapse of surface into action

two: but it disavows rubbing one’s face in cake batter, throwing oneself into a bin of potatoes, etc.

one: so maybe not action, maybe the instantaneous

two: sloughing off surface like that, it’s a little creepy

one: it’s just like yelling across a field, no big deal

two: like if we stood really far apart and waved our flags and yelled, the spontaneity of sight would supply us with a similar feeling

one: precisely

two: a whoosh of quickly reading the actions of another, made into light

one: we would be post-surface

two: we would be post AND surface

one: we would be two people waving in a field and because no one is really alone, there would be other people 

two: people watching the ON-LINE take place, holding up little rectangles, repeating our action

one: we would be an echo of the screen, then, I guess

two: I miss nancy

one: nancy is in a backyard with a gatorade cap in her mouth and she is incredibly happy
