E m i l y H u n e r w a d e l —
Complaints As Wishes
I wish I hadn’t twisted
and wrung out my thinking
to find nothing tangible
and an audience at my door.
I wish the relationship
between control
and tenderness
wasn’t so tenuous,
but instead, I’m here
discovering that
distraction is the
anti-hero of desire.
the lobby guy
informs me
that someone tried
to burn down your hotel
while you were sleeping,
protesting her room’s
lack of tiny soaps.
I wish my own need for vices
didn’t come from my fear of boredom.
I wish boredom was a compass
directing you out of your
unburnt hotel room.
I wish I could feel
the benefits of doubt
or at least break through
the film of comparison
to find some secret truth
about what it means
to be exactly your age.
the named thing
stays cemented to the floor
while the name
floats above
and pops
Spoke Season
— a seasonal appearance of mysterious spokes in Saturn’s rings
Even as this blushing night
gets its loan from nothingness to live,
the sky spits its dust on me,
and so, to stay one step ahead
of winter’s emotional texture,
I’m tapping into the solar wind
of soft reasoning.
Science seems incapable
of catching up to this
loserly thinking,
even as all their tech
anticipates my touch
and all my AI portraits
come out naked.
O insufferable me!
Me with my
The science says
rebrand yourself as a moving target,
so I adopt a cat and name her Misery,
inflate myself
with whispered secrets,
let excellence slip through my fingers
to be relieved of the weight