f a h i m a i f e —


there are too many planets on the human right now. and look at all the fugitivity in flowers. they just come where they see fit — they just come — and that sort of open rebellion must be pulled out at the root. at the root of nefertari is beauty. nefer is a root of aesthetics. sekhmet is a consort of the crescent city. fertility is a matter of constant tending. the constant interchange of fire earth, air and fire. our hips bump gently in the secret terrarium at twilight. the cardinality of water is our beginning. a series of ley lines thrown out in the beginning. our beginning leaks across the years and seasons the transits, the chalice of things. until we meet again in the thick. were it extractive or not is a matter of the root. had we established a root. had we pulled up the root. had we synthesized a chemical powerful enough to deaden the root. at the root of it is a condition. creation a condition of biological insinuation. let the ordination tell it: we are here to proliferate babies. and who needs another prolific motherfather. what planet is this. a plot of the late nineteenth century. a plot of the landed gentry. a plot of empire. the toppling down of law and let live. we are born in the inland empire of southern california in the early 1980s and you are born in santa cruz in the early 1980s after a group of activists remote living off-grid, as a collective, before a group of administrators of propertied existence for the next thirty or forty years. the orphan boy, the orphan girl weave the dimensions. it is multiple sides of the same dilemma. on another scale we are sharecroppers and sadhus and shamans. a perennial matter of volcanoes and electricity. & the heat of the thing catches us, unhinges us. it is a dervish of seven planets, two luminaries, the brushing up and touch it now

of no fixed address

we could not begin to make it permanent if we tried. the things we do to each other in the dark. the things we make a way of living. then eleni says you were building a life together one minute, then ashes the next. and it is like that and it is not like that. we were building a life together one season, then we became timeless the next. everybody has a way of talking about love that keeps property and time at the center. who belongs to which household, number, for how long, the general census. then marie tatti says if we go together then we grow together. where do we grow when no one is looking. we have never seen our way of touching in the diffuse connectedness the way we see that other image profuse outside us and it is always pulsing. the profusion of a “meet cute” like m. says. our lover and our lover’s lovers and all their lovers, all of us a swarm, a new blank non-love story to represent us. we are scattered all over the earth and hiruko says she comes from people who had transcended sex. we meet and meet and meet. and no one wants to do it to each other. or doing it to each other is now a new scent in common. we are always doing it to each other in the unseen illegible and on purpose. we are always doing it to each other and out of touch. and no one belongs here more than you, the way we touch lives beyond a single home. consent not to be a couple. we want a millennial triad, a cluster, a swarm of. and when is the last time you fell in group love.